Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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Finery at the winery

You do not need to be told that good music and good wine go well together.

But when a great winery throws a great concert, you want to be told.

Picture this: you, lolling about in your new peasant skirt on the manicured grounds, with spectacular views and a pleasant buzz from the tasting rooms. Throw in a little sunshine and live Elvis Costello, and you’ve reached a whole new level of bliss.

Herewith, vitamin v’s picks of two mini-getaway summer winery concert ideas:

Tinhorn Creek, in B.C.’s Okanagan, hosts monthly concerts in its grassy amphitheatre as part of its Golden Mile Series. The grand finale is Prairie Oyster, Sept 23. Call 888-484-6467 or visit for tickets and details.

Château St. Michelle, Washington State’s oldest winery (15 miles north of Seattle) will host concerts by Chris Isaak, Fiona Apple, Lyle Lovett and Elvis Costello (US$39-$45) this summer. For details, visit


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