www.theluggageclub.com Need another dose? vitaminv.ca Not yet a subscriber? Sign-up hereIt's the only addiction you won't have to justify.Got a friend who you think would like this daily dose? Forward this message, and spread the vitamin v goodness - for goodness sake.">

Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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don't lug your luggage

Planning a holiday that involves a surfboard, laptop, kayak, golf clubs, formal attire and skis?

We knew you were that crazy.

Make sure everything arrives intact without having to schlep it through multiple airports and terminal transfers by using the services of U.S.-based Luggage Club.

With service to Canada, they’ll get your goods safely to your destination ahead of your arrival so all you have to worry about is getting yourselves there in one piece.

Which can be enough in itself these days.



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