AUGUST 2ND, 2008FOODY BABYIf your munchkin turns up his nose at your homemade baby food (who doesn't hate mushy carrots?), maybe you need a refresher from the culinary site With simple, fun recipes (that can be done with one hand) complete with video demonstrations, you'll be getting them to order seconds in no time. Parental advisory: the woman behind this site is a former model. You don't need to look like her to cook like her! Got something to add to this dose? Post it on our forum! We'll be giving prizes to our best forum posts every month, so just log-in to win!
IKEA IDEAWe visited the very cool (and temporary) Ikea pop-up store in Toronto. We snapped everything from Swedish meatballs to a So You Think You Can Dance contestant—check out the pics on today's Editors' Diary.