Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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Motorcycle Diaries

MARCH 11TH, 2009

Motorcycle Diaries

Joshua Jackson clad in a black leather jacket riding from sea to sea on a classic Norton Commando—you had us at Joshua.

The film One Week, in which Jackson plays a young man who sets out on a soul searching trip from Toronto to Tofino after receiving a dire diagnosis, made us even more smitten with the leading man and our home and native land.

Like a love letter to our country, there's a cameo by Gord Downie, a soundtrack featuring the Stars and Sam Roberts, and even a little screen time for roll-up cups from Tim Hortons. While we feared cultural reference overkill, it turned out to be charming, quirky and unabashedly patriotic.

Canadians unabashedly patriotic? It's a-boot time.

One Week is in theatres now, for tickets and show times visit
