Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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12 Deadly Decorating Sins

During my 25 years as a designer, I have compiled a list of habits I’ve observed in the decorating and design world. Habits that I believe need to be broken. Many of these may have begun as good intentions — but we all know where that path leads!

I’ve assembled 12 of those habits here. I’ve struggled with each and every one of them personally and feel I have come out on the other side a better designer for it. Although each lesson is valuable, in the hierarchy of habits to be broken, there is none more important than No. 12.
12. Lack of wit. This is, perhaps, the deadliest of all decorating sins. Taking oneself too seriously can end in decorating ruin.

How to break this habit? Lighten up. Take my advice: A house is not a home without a spot of leopard!
