Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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Making a Home Away From Home

If you’ve ever made a big move, whether to a different state or a different country, you are probably familiar with that uprooted feeling that comes along with leaving everything known for something different and new. It can be exciting but also … terrifying. How do you build a life in a new place? When you’re wondering how to find the grocery store, navigate the metro and perhaps even learn a new language, having a warm, cozy, comfortable place where you can rest your head becomes even more important than usual. Making a home away from home is hard — get the ball rolling by trying out one or more of these ideas.
Make your home feel sweet, even if it is temporary. Those who move frequently, like military families, learn that home is where you make it. No matter how long you think you’ll be staying where you are, you might as well make it the best possible experience while it lasts.
