14310 SUNSET DRIVE, Marine Drive West, White Rock, BC
MLS®#: R2536972Available Additional Information
Available Additional Information
Click on each item below to view the PDF document or an image.
14310 Sunset Drive - 1. Detailed Property Brochure.pdf (14310 Sunset Drive - 1. Detailed Property Brochure.pdf)
14310 Sunset Drive - 2. Floor Plan.pdf (14310 Sunset Drive - 2. Floor Plan.pdf)
14310 Sunset Drive - 3. Property Disclosure Statement 2021.pdf (14310 Sunset Drive - 3. Property Disclosure Statement 2021.pdf)
14310 Sunset Drive - 4. Title Search.pdf (14310 Sunset Drive - 4. Title Search.pdf)
14310 Sunset Drive - 5. Site Survey.pdf (14310 Sunset Drive - 5. Site Survey.pdf)
14310 Sunset Drive - 6. Aerial Map.pdf (14310 Sunset Drive - 6. Aerial Map.pdf)
14310 Sunset Drive - 7. Lot Dimensions and School Catchments.pdf (14310 Sunset Drive - 7. Lot Dimensions and School Catchments.pdf)
14310 Sunset Drive - 8. Transit and School Catchment Map.pdf (14310 Sunset Drive - 8. Transit and School Catchment Map.pdf)

- Beebe Cline, PREC*
- Phone: 604.830.7458
- Email: bcline@shaw.ca
- Hugh & McKinnon Realty
- 14007 North Bluff Road
- White Rock, BC
- V4A 1P9